For starters, HELLLLOOOOOO 2015.
Twenty Fourteen is no 'mo, and this year is going to take some adjusting to. In some ways, I'm so very looking forward to it; in other ways, I want nothing more than to run back into 2014's arms. But life can't be spent looking backwards, and we have to hope the best has yet to come.
I want 2015 to be a year of growth for me. I want to be able to look back this coming December (which seems so far away now, but I'm sure will be here in the blink of an eye) and see that I have grown and changed (for the better).
Though I haven't sat down to compile a list of resolutions, I do have a couple things I already know I want to have happen:
- Move out my 2BR rental (living with a roomie) and in to a place of my own
- Meet with and begin building relationships with professionals in the interior design industry
- Begin ID school (or have plans to begin)
- Meanwhile, begin teaching myself CAD freeware options
- Get this blog moving!
- Establish a consistent blogging schedule
- Follow more blogs (and hopefully get followers back)!
It's a starter list, and I'm sure over the course of the next 12 months that this list will continue to grow and change and evolve.
So, 2015, give me all you've you got!