
Looks I Love // Vacationing in Style

I may be vacationing a la my childhood home, but I was inspired nonetheless to delve into the world of fancy, luxury hotels. It probably had something to do with this Design Milk article about Hotel Not Hotel in Amsterdam.

As I have mentioned before, I'm still not entirely decided if I'll end up going commercial or residential. If I were to go to commercial, I've been thinking bars, hotels and restaurants would be the way for me to go. I find it intriguing how a space can leave a lasting impact on someone's takeaway of the brand. 

So, after reading said article, I wanted to share a list of hotels, big and small, that I found pretty awesome: 


Life is Ironic

Well, well, well - here I am, one quarter of grad school down, nine to go. This first quarter has been… crazy. Crazy good. Crazy crazy. Crazy weird. But not crazy bad. 

Two quick prefaces before I go on: 1) I just finished reading the first fictional piece of writing ("How to be an Adult" by XYZ) I've looked at in over 10 weeks, so I apologize now if this post has a flair for the dramatic side. 2)  I'm writing this post on a plane home, and I'm a broke graduate student - so I won't be purchasing wifi and I won't be referencing any delightful interiors and/or pieces. 

I was nervous when I first moved to Philadelphia to study at Drexel. What was I doing? Was it worth giving so many things up? In some ways, I still am nervous, but I'm more confident about it being right than I ever thought that I would be. I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do with it once I'm done, but I figure I have three more years to figure that out.